Van Gaal on exact same height as Klinsmann

Louis van Gaal has a hard time at Bayern Munich. At the moment, the Dutch coach has the same record as his predecessor Jurgen Klinsmann had this time of year. To keep track of `Klinsi`, Van Gaal has to win at Bordeaux, on Wednesday night.

Last season, Klinsmann managed to gain fifteen points out of nine matches in the Bundesliga. Van Gaal has the exact same amount of points as the former German national coach after nine matches.

In the German Cup, Van Gaal managed to reach the 8th finals; just as Klinsmann.

And also on the Champions League stage, both trainers go neck on neck. They both gathered four points after two group matches.

Van Gaal has to defeat Bordeaux to keep up with Klinsmann who won the third group match last year, against Fiorentina (3-0).

At the end of April 2009, Klinsmann was fired by Bayern, five matches before the end of the season.

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